AtelierBesuch Petronilla Hohenwarter


für Privatgruppen, Teams, UnternehmerInnen
im Atelier mit der Kunst die Gedanken wandern lassen

Ein Besuch mit der Kunst, ihrem Spirit und einer  Energie, die bereichert und neue Horizonte eröffnet. Lassen wir dabei die Gedanken wandern. Kunst  überträgt eine Schwingung d.h. u.a. sind Farben Energieträger; im Atelier mit meinen Kunstwerken zu sein,  eröffnet BesucherInnen einen neuen Raum an Ideen und Möglichkeiten. Diese Energie und ihr „Spirit“ lässt Gäste in ein Bewusstseinsfeld eintauchen, welches neue Perspektiven und Horizonte an die Oberfläche d.h. in das Bewusstsein bringt. Mut,  Neugierde  und Offenheit sind  wertschätzende BegleiterInnen, die  bei dieser Begegnung der besonderen Art unterstützend mitwirken. Es ist kein Kunstgeschichts- oder Philosophiestudium von Nöten . Kunst bildet auf vielfältige Art und Weise, ob mit einem ausgewählten Kunstwerk in die Begegnung d.h. in den Dialog zu treten oder mehrere Werke miteinander zu beleuchten…thats there MAGIC unfolds….auf eine Begegnung mit mir, mit meinen Kunstwerken und einem bewusst machenden + erhellenden Spirit,  der sich dabei entfaltet und auf jeden Fall bestärkend wirkt.



Ein AtelierBesuch mit Einladung zum Gedankenwandern richtet sich an 


  • private  Kleingruppe/n, Teams, Unternehmer*Innen,  B2B , 
  • Im Dialog sein mit der Kunst = ein Moment, der mit Freude inspiriert und  
  • Bewusstseinsbildung, Potentialentfaltung, Persönlichkeitsbildung unterstützt

verbunden mit dem Atelierbesuch


  • Einführung in mein KunstUniversum ( Entstehung, Vertrieb, Marketing )  
  • ein spezifisches Thema aus der Kunstperspektive mit einem Kunstwerk erörtern
  • intuitive expressiver kreativer Selbstausdruck 
  • max. 6 Personen
  • max. 120 Min.
  • Q&A
  • inkl. Getränke + Snack  
  • Terminanfrage  
  • 480 Euro ( min. 2 TN max. 6 TN )    


auf erheiternde und erhellende AugenBlicke in meinem Atelier in Waldkirchen

sonnige Grüsse 

Namasté Petronilla


StudioVisit on REQUEST for Privat Groups and B2B

keep your SPIRIT rising > a CONVERSATION with the Artist Petronilla Hohenwarter at her Studio Space.


A Piece of Art  enriches and nourishes the Body, Mind and Soul 


While you’re in my studio, just let your thoughts drift and tune in since art sends a vibration among other things, with colors transporting energy.A new space of possibilities opens up when someone enters my studio and experiences the artwork in this moment. This Spirit enables you to enter a Field of Consciousness that opens your mind to new perspectives and widens your horizons. Your perception is enriched by your openness, curiosity and willingness to venture into this spiritual realm. You can join along without having studied philosophy or art history. Art may educate in a variety of ways, whether you choose a particular work of art to engage a silent dialogue with and discover the answers within, or you spotlight multiple works at once to gain a greater understanding. Or simply while being in the presence of  beautiful art displayed in the studio brightens the Heart and Magic is revealed at a still point in time.


Visiting an artist’s studio for an inspiring and enlightening experience , will keep the positive vibes rising – and indeed it is a delight, filled with joy. 

  • private Groups   
  • Entrepreneurs , Start-Up Businesses, Teams
  • a joyous Moment to raise Awareness while strengthening personal development and to unfold the potential, which lays within
  • OFFER  
  • Introduction  
  • Process of Creation and the Art Business ( Distribution, Marketing, Pricing )
  • a particular Topic explained through Paintings/Artworks 
  • an intuitive expressive Exercise 
  • max. 6 People 
  • max. 120 Min.
  • Q&A  
  • Beverages + Fingerfood 
  • Inquiry > Art Date 
  • 480 Euro ( min. 2 / max. 6 People ) 


As Managers of Wellness Resorts, we are used to dealing with Practitioners who are medically or holistically orientated with regard to an individual’s Health Status. As such, it was really refreshing and exciting to work with Petronilla to see the Healing Power of Art in Action, both for the Guests and the Staff.
At Svarga Loka Resort we aim to give People a new Lease on Life and Art really can play a surprising but important Role in the transformative Process. Working with Petronilla has encouraged us to add creative Art as a regular Activity for Guests.

Sharon Menzies, Director Destination Management Ltd. Bangkok, London 

When Richard Williams first informed me about you and ask Permission for you to come as Residential Artist, I was very thrilled at the Idea because having an Artist was one of my Ideas about an Art Community at Svarga Loka Resort. When I finally met you and talked about Svarga Loka Resort, I realized you are more than just an Artist to come and paint colorful Paintings.   You came with a deeper Meaning across  and to provide this with your natural and pure Sensitivity while bringing my Fate about  Svarga Loka Resort alive. This convinced me about the supra natural Energy on the Land,  most of all to witness this  with your talent, perspective and your expressive Words - a Westerner  instead of the local Balinese/Indonesian Fellows who I have had spoken. It confirmed me that what I did matters and my Vision is on the right Track despite all the Odds against it -  the good Intention and Mission for further Expansion will come about in a respective Time. Your Triple Artwork has shown me that you painted the Vision i am carrying within and you either didn't know myself ... 

Such an illuminating Gift you carry within yourself  


Devi Sardjito and Susanto Hartanto,  Jakarta, Ubud, Indonesia, 

Svarga Loka Resort, Owner    

Petronilla HohenwARTer
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